Guizhou YingBinJIU


I would like to welcome you to my homepage, I am very pleased that you have discovered my website.

I would like to introduce you to the spirit Baijiu.

Although Baijiu is the most drunk spirit in the world, it is still almost unknown outside of China. I represent the Guizhou Ying Binjiu company worldwide. The unique geological location of the growing area, the elaborate production and the passion for baijiu give our spirits an extraordinary and unique taste.

The province of Guizhou lies on a plateau over 1000 meters high. The warm, humid, subtropical climate there ensures a unique variety of plants and a breathtaking, blooming landscape.

The most spectacular tourist attraction is the ‚Huangguoshu‘ waterfall. Over a width of around 100 meters, the waters of the Baishui River plunge 74 meters into the depths.

“Guiyang” is the name of the provincial capital, the name Guiyang means ‘precious sunshine’, rain clouds often prevent the sun’s rays from reaching the earth’s surface, so the sun’s rays are revered when they do make it.

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